Beautiful toddler girl sitting on the floor playing with unicorn and doll inside  tipi at kindergarten

A Doll Can be an Important Friend in Difficult Times

During these challenging times, dolls can boost your child’s mood! Your child may worry about the future even as things are starting to get back to normal. After adjusting to the current situation, having things return to how they were will also require them to adapt. It’s a lot of major changes all at once, which can be overwhelming for your little one. They may experience a wide range of emotions as they worry about parents going back to work, get nervous about playing outside, or feel excited to see friends again.

Children communicate through play, giving them the freedom to truly express their emotions. And oftentimes children will communicate to their dolls things they would not even tell their parents. Through play, children can release tensions that they keep bottled up.

Whether as a warm huggable friend or a playdate buddy, playtime with dolls will give your child the chance to learn and adapt to the new situation. While parents are super busy with all the different tasks they have to juggle, a doll can offer your little one’s comfort and support, reminding them they are safe and loved!